Our network of partners

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We partner with industry leaders, tech hubs, international businesses & inspiring startups.

In the fierce competition for tech talent, we grow the next generation of AI-ready software developers.

We are an elite digital talent factory & agency, crafting dream teams of coders who are job-ready from day one!

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Five reasons to choose Zone01 Athens as a partner
Access the top-notch talent-hiring pipelines, the 3% achievers of excellence.
Integrate your business needs into our curriculum.
Discover tech talents job-ready from day one.
Work with the talent pool to solve real-life business cases.
Enhance your CSR impact & foster a positive brand reputation.
Join our growing community of partners making a meaningful impact in the tech industry in Greece
Partner with us

Fostering new talents requires a community, industry connections, and contribution. Our partners’ support directly covers the daily costs of Zone01 Athens operations and empowers us to bring tech talents to life.

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Community Partners